The first case of coronavirus in Nepal was confirmed by Nepal Government on 23rd January 2020. A 32-year-old Nepali citizen who was back from Wuhan on 13 Jan, was suspected for COVID-19 and was kept in isolation and the case was confirmed on 23rd Jan. But after the continuous monitoring of the Nepal Government, the patient has recovered soon after.
Soon after the first case of COVID-19 Nepal Government has taken some major actions for controlling the Novel Coronavirus. Furthermore, upon just 5 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Nepal, the country entered full lockdown on March 24 for at least a week. Flights and long-distance buses have been suspended, and the country’s borders are sealed—even to its own citizens.
Though after the increase in the number of infected people, Nepal extended its lockdown period till 7th May.
People of Nepal followed the lockdown quite seriously. Due to which today (2nd July 2020) the number of infected persons in Nepal has just reached 14046, out of which 4656 people have successfully recovered and the number of death is 30.
With all of the precautions that Nepal’s Government is taking and the strict implementation among the citizens of Nepal, we can say that the Himalayan Region of Nepal is still safe for Hiking at the end of this pandemic coronavirus.
Till today, There are 14046 positive cases of COVID-19 in Nepal, most of those are from the Terai and Far Western Region of Nepal. So we can also say that Nepal is safe for Hilly and Himalayan Region where lies the major trekking destinations of Nepal.
There are few cases of coronavirus in Kathmandu which means still safe place to travel. And also the only international airport is located in Kathmandu so every tourist must land on Kathmandu.
The most beautiful city of Nepal, Pokhara is also safe from COVID-19. It’s quite relieving that the gateway to Annapurna Region trekking is out of danger from COVID-19.
Nagarkot is the famous hill station that offers the spectacular sunrise view over the majestic Himalayas. It is located at Bhaktapur, and luckily there are also few cases of COVID-19 in Bhaktapur.
The splendid Upper Mustang geographically is a part of Tibetan Plateau. Upper Mustang is in the Himalayan rain shadow and is one of the regions in the country suitable for trekking even during the monsoons. As we have already stated above that all the Himalayan Regions of Nepal are safe to travel as they are untouched of COVID-19.
These are some popular places in Nepal, that you may travel during your visit to Nepal after end of Coronavirus. However, you may participate in any trekking destinations in Nepal. Some of the famous trekking destinations of Nepal that are safe from COVID-19 includes:
Travelers can have an uninterrupted travel experience of trekking, sightseeing, cultural tours, adventure tours, and many more with proper care and precautions. Travelers can safely visit Nepal by following up general hygienic measures:-
Explorers can have a continuous travel experience of trekking, touring, adventure tours in Nepal with legitimate precautions and care. Travelers can securely visit Nepal by practicing general safety measures:
Frequently wash your hand with soap and water or with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Always wear a mask.
Maintain social distancing with people
Avoid touching your face
Avoid eating uncooked or half-cooked animal products
Now, Everybody knows about COVID 19. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). People infected with this type of Virus can recover without requiring special treatment. However, there is more threat to older people, and people with diseases like cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases.
COVID-19 is transmitted between animals and humans. However, viruses circulating in animals have not yet transmitted in humans. The COVID-19 virus spreads through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks and also between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Most common symptoms of COVID-19
dry cough
Less common symptoms of COVID-19
sore throat
aches and pains
loss of taste or smell
Serious Symptoms of COVID-19
chest pain or pressure
difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
loss of speech or movement
To prevent infection and to slow it down, one should follow some best practices like follows:
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Avoid touching your face.
Maintain at least 1-meter distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
Quit smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
Stay home if you feel unwell.
Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.
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